Monday 31 December 2012


A happy 2013 to you all.One of my last and illustration done for the faber castell comp.Didn't win but oh well,was a last minute for fun sorta thing :)

Have a good year ahead!

Sunday 30 December 2012

Photos from HK

Some photos from my HK trip :D. THE FOOD WAS AWESOME. Though it was bloody cold, I ended up sick upon arriving back SG ^^'

I miss HK.

Friday 28 December 2012

Sorry eyes.

Back from HongKong, as a part of my final moments in the country at the departure hall. I saw a kid, a SG kid. Playing with his boy parts right in front of me.


best part?My mom was with me and we saw him again!At the queue into the plane, my mom said it would be funny if he sat next to me on the flight back.True poor eyes...My folks sitting in the next aisle was laughing like mad as i simply watched Premium Rush.

Oh my poor eyes.

Thursday 20 December 2012

moar photos?

Came out of my rock and out with my bf to see bayfront and take some photos. After dropping off my babies at his place to settle in as I'll be away for 5 days?Yeah. It was a long but nice day.Strong sun means nice photos! :D

I miss my hammies.

Happy Holidays!

Before I fly off and forget to post - here's to everyone! Happy holidays!

Yes, Lucine and Dwayne have skewed perspectives of a good present.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Food.LOTS of FOOD.

I LOVE MY NEW CAMERA. Finally, after much fighting with my stereotypical singaporean cheapskate-ness, I finally got a DSLR. Or rather a heavy duty compact? I dunno what they call them these days after my long period of instagraming anymore to be honest.

This one is the Fuji X-E1, and although I'm still tying to get a hang of it after using my Fed 5B rangefinder for so long and my beloved film, I really love the pics I'm getting thus far.Its real light too!

On a side note, yes I'm alive (barely) and to be honest, I'm REALLY looking forward to my break.4 days HongKong and their fabulous food! Even tho I will be bringing my work along too. Oh joy...

Saturday 8 December 2012


This is my second roll of expired ISO400 kodak and they turned out fabulous!Some were blurry as I was moving too quickly and didn't have time to adjust my rangefinder well enough.Though its still great since it has been MONTHS since I used my Feb5B.Lets hope my 3rd roll has the same luck!

Monday 3 December 2012


character concepts for my comic assignment.Ellen, Mirg, and 2 lil kids Meg&Anna. Still working on finalisation and rendering soon (hopefully.)

and as I am typing this, I hope the idiots above my flat don't try to make a hole out of my ceiling.What's worse is that I have a working ceiling fan just right above me.Final Destination much?

Sunday 2 December 2012

Gimme a Break.

I really need a break. Hopefuly this festive season will help recharge some of my lost fuel.Work is just too much.( Or I might be trying to do too much ^^' )

Either way, its time to get my wallet ready for my christmas shopping! Hong Kong!Fooddddd~! :D