Friday 29 March 2013

Its time!

To hunt for them chocolate eggs!Happy Easter and a Good Friday to y'all!

Also!There's a new e-store coming up on my portfolio site coming soon in April!

Sunday 24 March 2013


I need a bluebird of joy.

And a cat.

dead fishes float.

and having nothing to do at home is driving me batshitinsane.Its like floating around and flopping all over the place.It doesn't help with all the sad,morbid thoughts in my head too.

Gonna get a job.Any job.Yeah.I'm that desperate to the point.At least it keeps me busy and have something with a purpose.

I'm hungry.

Saturday 23 March 2013

And it pours.

I suppose its time to get my ass back into illustrations.Have been busy with degree application lately and anatomy practice as well as some comic scripting.I have forgotten how much fun it is to write :)

3am a lil too late to draw anatomy tonight,guess tomorrow I'll draw.Had a good rest today.Lets see if it helps.Art blocks are a bummer.

Saturday 16 March 2013

About Commisions

So I don't really know how its gonna be like but I'm OPEN to any work at the moment such as


-Any Sizes Black/White 
-Any Sizes Coloured


2)Concept Art

-Line Art
-Full colour and render




4)Paper Art


Payment be done 30% before work and 70% after.You will get a photo of the finished work and then the original /print will be sent to you once payment is complete.

Back with photos

the photo spamming resumes. Returned to east coast with a proper camera. Not much but its an essential outing for my mental welfare.Prata was awesome.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Just kidding!I over exaggerated the situation but at one point when the burner came I went 'W..T..F...' for a moment there.My dentist is an awesome guy XD

Radio : " so here's my number!So call me maybe! "

Dentist : " God I hate that song. "

Me : hahaha-ing in my head... ( its funky to have a satellite dish stuck to your mouth )

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Had a wonderful gift from a dear friend lately- TWG Tea Leaves! :)

Now, I'll go back to drawing.At least,until my dental appointment later today.*shudders*

Monday 11 March 2013

Sunday 10 March 2013

important notice

This germ is ready to be fed with work! :D

Feed the work hungry kitty!


Thursday 7 March 2013


Join me and keep me company from tomorrow till Saturday 6pm! :) just look out for a dazed girl by the corner xD

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Are such adorable things.This one made my day happy.Apart from the amazing BBQ later at night with my cohort mates :D