Sunday 22 September 2013

The 3rd Year

It was our Anniversary last Friday,but work and trimming of images has made us go blargh so on Saturday, we made a date and went places special to us.

Finally brought my old film camera out for a spin again and finished a roll,so probably next week I'll have some new and hopefully nice things to put here.Hence,I didnt get much on my fuji.

Comic,photo,work.Life's busy but I'm getting a hang of it :)

And Chapter 3 of my Comic has begun!Go! :DD

Tuesday 3 September 2013

STGCC among other things.

So I had the chance to go STGCC this year for the very first time! Considering how I got food poisoning and swamped with work for the past STGCCs,this was an awesome exposure for me.Met people on Art Jammers and many fellow artists at Artist Alley.

Feeling the pressure man.

Had my first day of work today So pardon me for the short post.Feeling the stress already...yikes!Wish moi luck!