Wednesday 1 January 2014


So with the end of 2013,in the middle of the week,its so strange,especially since just last week it was Christmas in the mid-week too.But nuff said, a recap of 2013 seems to be in order!

2013,graduated and aimlessly,hopelessly and depressingly looking and switching jobs in and out and just moping around like a miserable bloke, I was desperate.Yeah.I damn well said it.I needed to feed myself,it was one of the things I told myself to do upon graduation and that is to be self sufficient.Yet I simpky couldn't find any jobs and got angry at my art.I was just a unhappy kitty.Oh yes.Friends(or the handful of) have gone their own ways and it was just blargh.

Jobs were dreary.quit one miserable design job and landed up in parttime in F&B but it gave me some off time away from the industry(or the general idea of it) to think and try and find out what I wanted.And looking at the art book I did in 3rd year as my FYP, I thought why not?I did some comics and I always wanted to do it - why not try to set yourself to draw one and see from start to finish how shitty before and after were? XD I'm just like that.Head in first.

And slowly,things gotten crazier.I ended up having to choose.CHOOSE.My new sushi bar job or a job with my bf at a architechy firmy.Oh it was crazy.

But 2013 was also a great year.I acomplished a self set goal.I got a somewhat semblance of a job and feeding myself and my 2 lovely babies.My hamster babies I mean.I got to reach out and hung out with people as of late and I hope 2014 will bring in new opportunities to grow.

2014, I'm gonna start going life drawings and improving my basics.Lucine arc for comic will begin after CNY,I wanna take a break first.Dwayne's arc was too much for me to take for awhile.Take time out to hang out with people and start living you know.And clean out my damn old cupboard of clothes.Yeaaah.

So what's your new year resolution guys? :)