Tuesday 20 May 2014

Good day

Today was good. How about yours?

ps : finally my days of poverty and arm chewing may be ending soon!

Monday 5 May 2014

old doodle

I love flappers' fashion from the roaring twenties of america since i watched the great gatsby...so glamourous (*w*)

Friday 2 May 2014

First Year.

Today marks one year I have been out in the working industry.One year since I begun GBD, my lil comic project (little is an understatement).

And I am thankful for all the support, and all the artists I have met coming out of my well and facing my insecurities as an local artist without an idea of what I want to be.Now I know.And I thank the people who encouraged me and gave me the strength to keep doing what I love despite the odds and my shitty day jobs.

It feels fabulous to be doing what I'm doing.Sure, I aint earning a 'reputable salary of an asian' of I'll be damn if I were to be miserable doing a dead end job without fulfilment.I have tried.It was a disaster.More so than being in a service line where I actually learn whats going on in real life.Or so they call it.

Once again.Thank you all.