Sunday 15 December 2013

Society6 and things

So as some of you guys know,I have a new Society6 Store up and running,still preparing and transferring stuff on sale to move over from my old store,also have some new designs up and going for the store so do stay tuned here :

Also,Dwayne's arc for GBD ends THIS WEEK.1 year of prepping,drawing in late nights and crying cuz my drawing didn't seem to do any justice to my characters, I've done it.Thank you guys for all your love and support!Couldn't have done it without you guys.Do hop on and leave a love like and fav on the fb page or just drop a comment too!

After which I'll be taking a short break,focusing on my e-store and prep work for Lucine's arc (YES like finally,I know some people have been wanting to know her side so shhhh,patience...)but weekly updates will still go on!So stay tuned every sunday!

Christmas is coming!What have you guys planned? :D

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