Saturday 1 February 2014

Angbaos please!

annnnnd for such a lack of updates >.< I must apologise but work is ridiculous since the year begun and to add on,I was sick for a good week or so to the point I couldn't do anything but flop over at the end of work upon returning home.Had reoccurring migraines and deadly body pains that made my usual work till 2am schedule not possible.Thus,I had alot of the new arc delayed in planning and drawing.Add in the Chinese New Year fiasco and you get a worn out Germ.So I decided to post something I volunteered for a friend for SPCA back in Christmas 2013, not sure if it ever got used or around but here it is.A rushed series of illustration but at least it conveyed the message I was given to work with.

Happy CNY my fellow chinese folks!

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