Friday 11 January 2013

Confessions of a (polytechnic) student II

Well, I think congratulations are in order for you young souls that have scored your Os but those who feel they have not, DON'T DESPAIR! You've worked hard nonetheless.

So here, some of you may face the dilemma of " Eh, poly or JC ah?" Yup,we allll have been thru that at one point. "Koufu or South ahhhh?" lol.

However,some of you peeps who have taken the DPA route, welcome to the DPA camp!Though others are going to places like LASELLE of NAFA or ITE while others are going to the JC route.While you folks that are thinking of putting in Poly, here are some things you should be prepared for.And if you are going into the same industry as me then WELCOME!This is for you.

Disclaimer: All this is a rant of a student that is expressing her opinion of the ridiculous situation and in no means hope to disrespect,harm or ridicule ANY organisation,human or living being.This is JUST a story.So take it easy authorities,if you feel uncomfortable with a valid reason,let me know, I'll take it off public. 

A) Get Ready to face to harsh reality of cruel deadlines.Family say you will be slacking, happy faces on those brochures are a lie.

B)Be prepared to never see your bed anymore or once every while.You won't have the time to meet mr sheep.

C)If your lunch break falls during the lunch hour rush.Good luck.You'll either da bao and be sitting in a sad corner makaning or swear at the younger secondary school students who come to your school,chop place and eat.Especially when you are running to next class soon.

D)Admin and their systems is terrible.Transfers take forever and you might end up absent when you are stoning in lecture already.

E)Don't be surprised if 'people of power' don't give a damn.

F)Don't be surprised if you don't give a damn by semester 2.But don't slack.It hurts the GPA.Beware of your credit points.

G)Don't take modules that you think are easy or if your friends are in.It will end up painful by the 3rd week.

H)Chiong work and stick to the lesson plans.Work will pile up soon.

So, if you think its easy going poly, well, time to reconsider.But yeah, just a peek at how its really like in there.

Good Luck.

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