Saturday 25 May 2013

A little teaser

*Decided to censor a little due to some nudity just to play safe. ;) and no, this side-line illustration won't be up for at least awhile.

Managed to catch the Great Gatsby earlier this week and it was really beautiful.Despite me wanting to throw my nachos at the characters and murder Daisy.That is one dumb blond bitch.But kudos to the set and costume designers.They were phenomenal!Makes me wanna draw some for Lucine and Dwayne (>w<) which I will! Gonna catch it a second time with another good friend of mine next week.I love my girls heh.

And what do you know? after one month of joblessness.Dwayne's first chapter is completed!Yay!

Nothing much to put up here for now.Busy job hunting still and preparing the second chapter along with graduation ceremony this coming friday.

Reality sucks :|

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