Monday 20 May 2013


Lately things were terrible.

Not only in terms of work.But personal as well.And its times like these I find myself really worn out and miserable that I just give in to everyone.It sucks that I'm already at the common crossroad of the edge of teen and going on to being an adult yet its the people around me that refuses to let me have the space to breathe.As if our current competitive society isn't enough?Thanks man.

I may sound like a whiny bitch at the moment but honestly I don't care.

All I want is to draw.Without anyone breathing down my neck.

But I'll shut up here.Anyways if you missed out on yesterday's comic update, its up.Chapter 1 is nearly finished on my side.Most likely finishing the while of Dwayne's arc before hopping to Lucine's. So I rest my case here.Now I'll just emo and draw with some tea.

Have a happier monday than me guys.Cheers.

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