Saturday 29 June 2013

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Feed the Tortles.

Badges anyone?Or shirts?Damn,can't decide. :D

But that aside, I hope everyone is doing well!Thank goodness the haze is gone (tho replaced by falling ice yesterday, dafuq? We live along the equator man!)

Not much to update,but hope to get my hands on some coffee powder (if I actually remember each time after work) for some illustrations I'm planning.And hopefully, find something nice to do for Illustrate'14.Yup its back!

I'll stop here,I'm procrastinating

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Lame title post but meih.Anyways, just some stuff I worked on during my 'silent weeks' awhile back.Was too lazy to post them up eheh.Had fun doing them and will make them a nice wallpaper size for desktops if thats your thing :D

Just a short post.Did another comic page today and I'm beat from work partially due to the terrible weather making me sleepy.Was a slow day afterall, everyone's like staying indoors,getting MCs and all.

Ah well.Hope everyone's keeping healthy during this hazy period.Crazy weather.Doesn't help that its burning hot either.

Sunday 16 June 2013


Such is my life.A cup of tea and some sketches after a day of customers and lunch rush.Couldn't find any cheap instant coffee so opted for tea to try out in my new sketchbook.Feels good to paint traditionally again as of late.

Now I'm craving to make some coffee illustrations.And remember to check out this week's comic update!Gimme a pat on the back!For chapter 1 is complete!

Hope to update sooner in this blog is just that...things are rather slow lately so I thought I should rest abit with my new job and all as of late.Ah well.

Enjoy your week everyone! :)

Thursday 13 June 2013


Its been a long time since I blogged properly but hello guys!Hows everything going?

Had a couple sketches that I did in my new sketchbook but I was lazy to scan up.But I finally managed to paint up something earlier this week.Taking a short break away from comic to get me up and about from the dumps from crap lately.Its not easy getting a job here as an artist without getting squeezed or doing ctrl+c and ctrl+v with fugly drop shadow.Believe me - it has happened.

Was thiiiiis close to giving up and from the pressures of the overly realistic singaporean society and family on getting an 'actual job' its... hard.

But that aside,for those of you out there, keep hanging in there.

Like I said, all I need is food,water,art,some money and a shelter.And a cat.


Wednesday 12 June 2013


Happy 20th to me~! :) Had so much fun yesterday.It was good to be out, and got to see the mummies exhibition and head down the Gardens by the Bay.I had a good celebration.Thank you guys for a the well wishes and hope that you guys have a great day too!

On the side note, for those of you who didn't know, I'm freelancing once again while working not full-time,but part-time.So I'm open to commisions or anything once again.Comics is still on schedule so go check it out if you missed this sunday's update!So new illustrations are underway too.

Have a great week ahead folks!

Friday 7 June 2013


His presence was like Amaterasu who has descended down upon us.Cue the epic lights!

A couple of us has gathered to go for the opening of his exhibition here in little Singapore.You have no idea how I fangirled the night before when I saw the news.Got hold of my bf ( whom we both shared a love for his art ) and met up with some friends to head down Gillman Barracks' Mizuma Gallery.

There.We saw KAMI SAMA.

Managed to get some of their books signed (for me it was the exhibition card ^^; ) and surprisingly.There was this little office for him to take a break every few moments or to meet VIPs and I managed to get in ( along with my terrible japanese) and within a feet away was Yoshitaka Amano signing the exhibition cards for me.

I can die happy now.

A couple others brought books, FF cards,prints and even some got him to draw ( one on his LAPTOP). Overall, lots of japanese and caucasian folks but really great experience. The exhibition is free and have some gorgeous works that has to be seen in person if you are a fan.And really REALLY glad to have the opportunity to see Amano-san in person in his exhibition and thank him for coming to SG for this rare experience.Despite the awkward english-japanese convo.

One artist down.Now my next few people to meet before I die - Akira Yamaoka,Masahiro Ito,Makoto Shibata and Keisuke Kikuchi.

Monday 3 June 2013


hohoho. Yeah I'm back and still jobless (sadly). And procrastinating in drawing comic. Hey at least its paneled and ready for render. One of my personal favorite character is appearing soon ;). Although I have to say, these pages struck a nerve as its loosely based on a similar incident I had encountered.

Nevertheless.Here are some wacky animals I did for an art test awhile back.Since the recruitment is over I figured its time to share these fellas.A flamingo,a frog,a panda and a spider.At least I had fun doing these

Back to chomping on csupper and sipping tea.Wanted to paint some fatal frame while watching FF4 lets play.Ah well. Food first!