Friday 7 June 2013


His presence was like Amaterasu who has descended down upon us.Cue the epic lights!

A couple of us has gathered to go for the opening of his exhibition here in little Singapore.You have no idea how I fangirled the night before when I saw the news.Got hold of my bf ( whom we both shared a love for his art ) and met up with some friends to head down Gillman Barracks' Mizuma Gallery.

There.We saw KAMI SAMA.

Managed to get some of their books signed (for me it was the exhibition card ^^; ) and surprisingly.There was this little office for him to take a break every few moments or to meet VIPs and I managed to get in ( along with my terrible japanese) and within a feet away was Yoshitaka Amano signing the exhibition cards for me.

I can die happy now.

A couple others brought books, FF cards,prints and even some got him to draw ( one on his LAPTOP). Overall, lots of japanese and caucasian folks but really great experience. The exhibition is free and have some gorgeous works that has to be seen in person if you are a fan.And really REALLY glad to have the opportunity to see Amano-san in person in his exhibition and thank him for coming to SG for this rare experience.Despite the awkward english-japanese convo.

One artist down.Now my next few people to meet before I die - Akira Yamaoka,Masahiro Ito,Makoto Shibata and Keisuke Kikuchi.

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