Sunday 14 April 2013

Red Hues.

Took a break from client work and had a little time to myself this weekend.Times are trying but hopefully we become greater in our craft during this period of difficulties faced by our industry.

Probably going back to work part time starting late this week.So probably will draw some stuff or work on comic script if I'm still alive by the time my shift ends.It would do me some good to get out of house after such a long break.We'll see how it goes.Also taking the time to prepare the prints for the E-store (one of them will be this red piece as well as some promos I did for GENESIS that I managed to salvage from old thumbdrives) Maybe I should look into T-shirts or even notebooks for sale hmm.All while waiting for my damn camera to get back from repairs.Oh well.Shit happens.

Have a good rest folks.

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