Monday, 8 April 2013


Now alot of people who know me knows that I'm a honest person.So downright honest that I don't care if you are my enemy I'll just say it right to your face.Why? That's because I don't like to sugarcoat things when they are not.And its very obvious when people do that and that really ticks me off especially when you start spinning stories and stories interwoven over each other and let it fester into a big fat lie.Now you are just a hypocrite.

I know in reality its hard to be blunt,especially when you are at work or having a presentation or even talking to your lecturers.Since the truth always hurts.But thats how it is.Suck it up lah thats what they'll say.But there are just some things you just can't hide it with pretty excuses.

When I started this blog,apart from improving my art,I always make it a point to voice out the problems I see but not be a troll or that dumbass ( yes I call them dumbass because despite having so many certs they don't think through what they just did and BOOM!Your face is on the headlines) and state outright who or what is being that problem.Even if I don't someone else down the road will.I don't mean to be offensive or that moron that has first world problems but common sense says "No woman,that ain't working."Its like a GP or social studies essay.No reason to support evidence.Sorry,you shall not pass.

I think people these days are just oversensitive and afraid.And that ends up being a vicious cycle.Nobody gets anything done or get anywhere and society remains at a stale point. I know I am like that at times and still am a terrible bitch about it.However, the 3 years in poly have taught me to drop that terrible-ness down and get a grip and accept feedback and not make excuses for myself or anyone if there is no logical reason.I learnt alot despite my rages during this period.

This is just my 2 cents and personal opinion about 'sugarcoating' as I drew this illustration.It really got me thinking in alot of things and personal flaws and my future as I sit here typing this.I'll stop here for now on this quiet monday afternoon.

Cheers.And stop sugarcoating stuff.

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